Top Tips for Making Money While You Study

The main reason you go to university is to get a job and earn money at the end of it all. It’s an investment. So, even though some think that student life and working life are two totally separate spheres, why not take advantage of the time you have to earn money?

Being proactive in fighting that student debt is great in the short-term as it means that you can eat better and do fun stuff more often. However, think about it in the long term: if you ever want to go into project management of any sort then doing something self-motivated will prove that you are an individual who is forward thinking, and employers love that.

Nearly every university in the UK has an enterprise society, and ‘enterprise’ is a buzzword students will often hear on campus. But whilst starting your own fully-fledged business during your studies can be intimidating prospect, there are a lot of great ways of making money outside of starting a business which prove that you are a proactive individual.

Join a sports team

Whilst this might seem like an unusual way to make money, first team sports will take you to various tournaments, and even though the fee isn’t high, you get paid per match. This is both physically and socially rewarding, and helps prove to prospective employers that you’re a team player, and that you have an active life.

Blog / website

We are the first generation to have a digital advantage: use it. Writing a page about things that interest you could generate revenue, and is incredibly easy. To monetize, you just need to generate a steady traffic of page views and then use Google AdSense to convert this into cash. It’s also perfect for proving to a prospective employer how interested you are in a particular field.

Freelance Work

Freelancing is a great way to work in your own time, and take advantage of your skills. This is mainly for people who are good at writing, marketing, designing, and programming; although in principle, anyone who has a saleable skill can sell it online. The best bit is it allows you to build a portfolio of work, one project at a time, and get paid! There are lots of websites you can do this on, but one of the best is peopleperhour.

This last one is a simple one, and can prove you think outside of the box when it comes to generating revenue. Being at university and owning a car can be costly. However, if you’re okay with having an advertisement on your car, you could earn up to £60 a month passively. Try

Now, these are just a few suggestions: the true entrepreneurs are those that find a small niche and exploit it. Talk to your peers, when somebody chats idly about something they’d want on campus or in halls, try it! Remember: Innocent Smoothies was originally a bunch of guys at university who made fruit smoothies for their dorm, and in February of this year they were bought out by Coca-Cola for tens of millions of pounds.

1 thought on “Top Tips for Making Money While You Study”

  1. Pam Warren thanks for sharing useful articles..Blogging will be really a nice way to earn money while we study..many people suggested me teaching and working as a part time but i dont like to do it..But now i think i create my own blog and start writing.


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