How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace

It’s fair to say that most people who are interested in furthering their careers have experienced doubts at some point. When advancing into new positions, people often face a phenomenon known as imposter syndrome. This is a feeling that you are a fraud, despite your success.

It’s important to be able to identify imposter syndrome when it hits and learn about effective ways to deal with it. Luckily, this is something that you can easily overcome.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

People who experience imposter syndrome have a persistent belief that their success is down to luck. They start to feel fear that they may be exposed as a fraud and find it hard to recognise their own accomplishments.

The phenomenon is common, with a study in the Journal of Behavioural Science estimating that around 70 per cent of people experience it at some point in their lives. This can be disproportionate between the sexes as well, with more women reporting the feelings within male-dominated fields.
If you’re someone who wants to progress in your career, there may be circumstances where you experience imposter syndrome. In these situations, you need to be able to identify the phenomenon so that you can deal with it. Then, it won’t be a hindrance to your advancement at work.

Building Confidence Through Effective Communication

One of the best ways to overcome imposter syndrome is to communicate your feelings in various ways. Many people find that writing a daily journal can help them internalise their achievements. It’s also helpful to read these notes back later so that you can remember what goals you’ve accomplished.

Whenever you take the next step on the career ladder, you’ll have to sell yourself for the position and impress a new or current employer. This can often come in the form of crafting a cover letter, and this offers another opportunity for you to brainstorm why your skills and attributes make you great for the job. There are loads of cover letter examples online that you can use for inspiration, and these can help guide you towards thinking about your great qualities.

Other Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

There are plenty of other techniques that others have found beneficial in overcoming imposter syndrome. An article in Harvard Business Review pointed out how it’s useful to have a strong support network in the workplace. With positive feedback from peers, you can feel worthy of your position and achievements.

When you do get positive feedback from people, it could be handy to write it all down and compile it in a success file. Whenever you feel a bout of imposter syndrome coming on, you can review these comments and remember that you deserve to be in the position that you’re in.
As we go through our careers, we are constantly levelling up and taking on greater responsibilities. Sometimes we need to stop and consider all the work we’ve put in to get to where we are, and doing this regularly can help reduce the chances that we experience imposter syndrome.