eCommerce Packaging Trends For 2024 

The e-commerce business market is constantly expanding. With so much competition, it is essential that brands fully understand and embrace the importance of effective, efficient, and creative packaging solutions. Packaging is designed to protect, enclose, preserve, transport, inform and sell. It strongly influences consumer buying habits, and for many industry giants, it is as important as the product itself. 

From redesigning traditional packaging boxes with memorable and creative digital printing and bold designs to embracing the growing movement of sustainability and environmental consciousness, there is a packaging trend in 2024 to suit all businesses. 


The spotlight and importance of sustainable e-commerce packaging in 2024 has never been stronger. With global warming and climate change at the forefront of fast-paced global impacts, consumers continue highlighting the importance of environmental awareness through their shopping habits and brand loyalty. 

Choosing biodegradable, compostable, and recycled materials will continue to be a dominant trend in 2024 as eco-conscious consumers push companies to make sustainability and eco-friendly business practices a more significant part of their corporate responsibilities. 

Beyond selecting paper-based packaging solutions, there is an increased focus on the environmental impacts of inks and coatings, pushing companies to find better eco-friendly options. Brands that embrace sustainability and make effective changes to reflect this will likely gain a competitive edge over their closest competition. 

Customized Solutions

Customized packing solutions have been a leading trend since 2021 and will continue to dominate the industry in 2024. The trends have evolved into various forms as companies continuously look for ways to remain unique and memorable. 

Adding a personal touch to your product packaging enables you to make an emotional connection with your customers. You can design a visual representation of the feelings and ideas you want your brand to provoke. This personalized touch can leave consumers with a positive, lasting experience, which leads to brand loyalty. It will also allow you to connect your company’s theme, designs, logos, and message to build a more cohesive public image. 

Laser scoring on flexible packaging is a top e-commerce packaging trend for 2024. It is a manufacturing technique that uses a laser beam to create precise packaging. The package can be easily opened by customers without tools. The score lines, or “tear notches,” can be added from side to side or top to bottom. This gives businesses the flexibility to add tear lines where needed.

Digital Print

Digit print and finishing offers many appealing advantages, including high print quality, quicker lead times, reduced waste, and more flexible order qualities. This type of packaging uses digital technology, three-dimensional software, printed electronics, and digitally controlled manufacturing protocols to design and create a wide range of different packaging. 

Digital printing allows businesses more flexibility when it comes to personalizing or customizing their designs compared to traditional mechanical processes. Furthermore, this technology allows all colors to be printed in a single pass, making it much more time-efficient than other printing solutions. 

Bold Colors & Designs

Bold colors and dynamic designs that move away from traditional and mundane options will ignite the packaging industry in 2024. Companies are always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and increase brand recognition in an ever-increasing consumer world, and shifting to bold designs carries many advantages. 

According to the Pantone Color Institute, people will experience 80% of their awareness from sight. Bright neon colors and striking metallic colors are instantly eye-catching and will stick out to customers scanning retail shelves or browsing their favorite online shopping sites. Creating a unique and memorable design will increase your brand value and recognition, encouraging customers to return for more. 

Creative Shapes

In a world with a heavily flooded consumer market, finding ways to be different and stand out is paramount for a business to be successful. This means that companies have to move away from the ordinary and embrace captivating shapes, interesting cutouts, and eye-catching label patterns, redefining the very essence of packaging itself. 

It often goes beyond simply being eye-catching and instead focuses on the importance of expressing the unique identity of your brand in such a way that it lingers in your customer’s mind long after purchasing. Embrace creativity to set yourself apart from the crowd. 


For those who would prefer to avoid bold colors and designs and instead opt for clean and sleek packaging options, you will be happy to hear that minimalism is set to be a dominating trend for 2024. Aesthetics plays a crucial role in showcasing a product that best reflects a company and the message it is trying to portray. 

Minimalistic packaging is popular among consumers who don’t like excessive and extravagant packaging. With environmental consciousness at the forefront for many people, it is an effective way to make your products more appealing. 

Brown paper wrappings have been a popular choice for many over the years, a testament to the longevity and impact minimalism can have on customers. Their simple and straightforward appearance reflects a trendy and clean aesthetic that appeals to a large number of people. 

Interactive Experiences

In 2024, packaging will transcend its traditional role and transform into the perfect gateway for an interactive brand experience. This trend largely utilizes modern technology to engage customers in a brand-new way. 

For many companies, this is achieved using augmented reality features, which are activated by scanning QR codes found on product packaging. These codes can unlock exclusive brand content and experiences. This is an effective way to create memorable experiences that aid in consumer loyalty while simultaneously selling products.