Instagram Marketing Strategy: How to Build One

People go to Instagram to dream of a better life. Could your business be helping them? It’s the second top social media platform, after Facebook, and the top online space for translating scrolling into sales.

For a successful marketing campaign, marketers opt for a robust online presence coupled with follower and customer engagement.

However, there are myriad strategies markets can employ when it comes to the most elite social media platform. While each strategy can fit a certain business, some all-rounders can help every business brand reach new heights.

Adjust your posting schedule

The question poses itself, should you post every day or take it easy with your content schedule? To determine this, you can either take a look at the collected metrics thanks to the wonderful feature called Instagram Insights or focus on a particular type of audience.

To find your right audience, you will first have to take the product you are selling into account to determine who’s the buyer. After that is determined, you can check online statistics to see how and when each demographic uses Instagram.

Now that your posts are scheduled, it’s time to think about the content itself.

Focus on unique content

When devising a marketing strategy, it’s important to remember that the factors that make or break your social media presence are engagement and content quality. It’s a platform built on cultivated authenticity, and while that may sometimes be a contradiction, it should make you pause if you think you can buy Instagram followers as a shortcut to genuine influence. Instead, consider investing your efforts in areas that will help you achieve organic growth.

Organic growth is not something that will come overnight. You will have to focus on filling your followers’ feeds with original and entertaining posts, while also making sure that this will convert them from just followers into customers.

If you are not well-versed in the field of content creation, you can always hire a specialist that will craft dazzling written or visual content just for your brand.

The key to unlocking your business’ eCommerce success

As technology advances, consumer habits rapidly change. With time, most consumers have recognized the convenience online stores have to offer. So, if you are a business ready to take the right step in the right direction, it’s time to consider moving your shops online.

That being said, you might be at a stage where you believe that moving everything online might be too risky for your business. Still, there is a solid option to test the eCommerce waters.

Instagram, for example, doesn’t just allow you to market your products and services, it will also allow you to sell your products. To enable this feature, all you have to do is just go to your Instagram settings and select the “Business Profile” option.

Selling with the help of Insta shop can be a stepping stone and if things go well, it can also be a sign of things to come.

Take a look at the competition

When trying to create a winning social media strategy, it’s never wrong to have one eye on the competition to see what works and what doesn’t. For instance, you can analyze the marketing strategies of businesses in your industry or just focus on all round successful strategies.

Furthermore, you can always think about collaborations with influencers or other businesses to help yourself gain more traction, increase your follower count,  and exposure for your business brand. Partnering with Instagram influencers, in particular, can significantly boost your brand’s visibility. These influencers have dedicated followers who trust their recommendations, making them ideal partners for driving engagement and expanding your reach on the platform.

Do some hashtag research

Even though hashtags are used across all social media platforms, Instagram is the hashtag’s playground. Using creative hashtags will help your post perform better and even land on Instagram’s explore page.

You can either do hashtag research and find some of the trending ones or decide to create a hashtag that will represent only you online. Either way, this process will be interesting for your employees as well as your followers.

Bottom line

Creating a strategy that will encapsulate what your brand is all about on one of the best social media platforms is never easy. Each business will have a different approach and each approach will yield different results. However, the strategies outlined in this post are some of the best all-rounders that will enable you to take social media by storm.

Lastly, even if you create good content and reach out to your followers effectively, you need to focus on boosting your engagement rate as much as you can to keep your follower number from dipping.