How to keep focused while studying or working on a project        

The hardest and most important part of studying for me has always been getting started. In the old days, pre-internet, this would have been a useful time when the whole house would be cleaned and shined up. Nowadays an added stage is hours of endlessly scrolling Instagram. So much for tech tools! 

It turns out that the cleaning is no bad thing on many levels. The study experts at Simply Academy have identified an organised and clutter-free study space as a key element of maintaining focus when you are studying. And cleaning is also seen by many experts as a form of mindful meditation that enables you to clear your mind.

Whether you are studying or working on a key work project, here are some top tips for finding and maintaining the necessary focus.

1. Manage distractions

The worst distractions are phones these days. Start by switching off all of those annoying alert noises. Put the phone in another room while you are working. Get a lock-box if you need advanced assistance! Those are like safe boxes where you put the phone and any other annoying items and then set a timer. In my case, half an hour is enough as that gives me time to get started and absorbed by the project.

Another approach that gives you a window to get focused is a Pomodoro timer. This is a basic wind-up kitchen timer. You set it for a period, like half an hour, and then work solidly on the project or study for that period.

2. Prepare your space

As Simply Academy points out, we are all different in terms of what kind of space works for us. Some prefer perfect peace, others like the hustle and bustle of a busy cafe. I quite like a train journey, where I know I have a limited time and have to get whatever I’m working on finished in that period. Find whatever works for you and then just make sure that you have your essentials to hand, and that you are comfortable.

3. Prepare yourself

Studying can be tough on your mind and body. Do not succumb to the biscuits!  Make sure that you have healthy snacks on hand to keep you going. A double bonus is if those snacks are foods that are known to nourish the brain, like dark chocolate (at least 70% plus), berries and nuts. Caffeine can also help you to focus and feel positive. But stick to tea or coffee, caffeinated sticky drinks negate all of the benefits with sugar highs and energy drinks can have a number of dangerous side effects, especially for young people.

Exercise is also helpful for focus. It additionally helps you to get a good night’s sleep.

4. Have a plan

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you face into what looks like a mountain of studying or project work. So break it down. Write a list of all the main components and how much time you have to work on each section. Then break it into days and times. Imagine how good you will feel every time you tick off an item on the list!

5. Build in rewards

Have some kind of treat every time you tick off a significant milestone. It doesn’t need to be massive, it could just be watching an episode of your favourite comedy, a cup of tea or a walk in the park. Whatever works for you. But do plan something fabulous for the final deadline, when you know that you are as prepared as you possibly can be. That really is something to celebrate.