It can be really hard to recover from an illness or injury, especially if that ailment has disabled or made it harder for you to complete day to day tasks. When this happens, it’s important to know when you should be asking for extra help, even if that simply means to compensate for the injury you’ve sustained. This article will mention some instances where you will be entitled to extra help.
Injuries caused by faulty machinery or bad training
When you work with machinery, it’s your employers’ responsibility to make sure you have the correct training to avoid hurting yourself. If you haven’t been trained properly, you should look into getting compensation to help pay for treatment. The first thing you need to do is tell your employer about the accident (if they don’t already know) and tell them that you want to make a claim through their workers’ compensation plan. They will then be able to talk you through the process you need to go through and what it will entail.
It’s important to note that it’s also your employers’ responsibility to make sure that any machinery you use is serviced regularly and up to date. If you’ve had an accident, it might be worth looking at the service logs to make sure that they’ve been keeping up with maintenance. If they haven’t, you could sue them.
Asbestos exposure
If you’ve worked in or currently work in old buildings – for whatever reason – then there’s a good chance you might have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a material that has been used in buildings all around the world since around the 1930s. And, while it was banned in 1993, there are still lots of buildings that still contain it. It’s dangerous because when it’s compromised, it causes damage to your lungs and sometimes the abdomen too when breathed in.
If you have been exposed and your health has declined because of it, you should speak to a lawyer that can help you look into compensation.
Car accidents
Having a car accident can be extremely traumatic, especially if you or someone you care about becomes hurt because of it. Firstly, if the accident wasn’t your fault, you should swap insurance details to make a claim from the other driver’s insurance company. Did you know that even something as small as whiplash can cause damage to your neck and shoulders that could last for the rest of your life?
That means that even if your injuries seem minor, you should look into claiming compensation to help make the adjustments needed to live comfortably. You can do this using credible companies like Of course, any other information you have to help your case will help, so if you have a dash cam or can get hold of any CCTV footage, it will greatly help your case.
Accidents on public property
Accidents can happen anywhere, including somewhere as simple as the sidewalk. But, if there’s an unmarked pothole, tripping risks, or anything that could be a danger to the public and you hurt yourself, you could be entitled to compensation.
You’ll also be able to get in touch with the local council where the incident happened. If it was the council’s negligence that caused you harm, you should be able to claim against them too. However, this can be a lengthy and expensive process, so make sure you get some advice from a solicitor before beginning any proceedings. But, in the long and short of things, if you believe you’re entitled to compensation, you should definitely look into it.
Illnesses or injuries while on vacation
Nobody likes to think about an illness or injury when it comes to their vacation time. After all, it’s a time that everyone looks forward to! However, these things do happen, and you need to be armed with knowledge about what to do if something happens to you.
Firstly, you should make sure that you’ve got the right travel insurance and that you’ve had all of the necessary shots before travelling. Doing this means that if anything happens to you, you can prove that you’ve done everything to avoid any kind of harm or illness.
Finally, getting compensation for an accident that happened in a foreign country is harder, but not impossible. Your best bet is to speak to an injury claims lawyer that run on a no win no fee basis because they’ll be able to tell you up front whether it’s worth claiming.