Learning to recognise the weakest links in your business

No matter how many cyber security measures and applications you integrate into a business, certain weaknesses will always exist. Weak spots such as lack of anti-virus software or lack of system updates can turn a company into hackers’ next big target. Without proper cyber security measures set in place, all data and hardware tied to the business will be exposed to major threats such as malware, viruses, phishing scams, and data breaches. It is important to keep in mind that the rapid improvements in technology are contributing to hackers’ new and more sophisticated methods of recognising vulnerabilities.

Business teams are not only facing the challenge of recognising weak links within the company, but they also have to race against cyber criminals. Whoever identifies weak spots faster, wins. So it is important that the members of the company learn how to implement proper cyber security measures. However, they first have to be able to recognise the threats. Continue reading to learn what the largest and most common weakness in any business is. When you can identify the weak spots, you will be able to boost boost cyber security and protect sensitive data.

What is the biggest security weakness in a business?

The reason why so many businesses become cyber attack victims is that people fail to recognise the biggest security weakness in the room. This happens because the fault lies in themselves. Your business could be using the most advanced cyber security software, but certain weak spots will remain. That is because the biggest security vulnerabilities in any business are the people. Sophisticated cyber security software can do wonders when it comes to securing a company’s data. However, it cannot fix human error.

It is clear that the biggest security weaknesses in any business are its employees. People who work within the company have access to all its data and platforms. That means they have their own passwords and credentials, hardware components, etc. If the employees are not properly educated on the importance of cyber security, they most likely will neglect it. People’s curiosity and ignorance when it comes to this subject often lead to mistakes that leave the company’s data exposed to hackers. Here are several reasons why employees are the weakest link in any business:

  • Some employees simply don’t care enough to put effort into cyber security. This is especially common if that’s not in their ‘job description.’
  • People’s curiosity can often force them to open unknown links and access suspicious sites. This can lead to certain security threats.
  • Due to lack of education on the topic, some employees might not be aware of the importance of strong passwords and credentials. Many of them use weak passwords that leave the back door open to hackers.
  • Lack of education can also lead to the mistake of using unprotected flash drives or USBs. Even if a USB is safe, it is still a safety concern if the employee leaves it unattended in public spaces.
  • Remote workers are one of the biggest security weaknesses in any business. They often take their work outside the office or home. This leaves their devices and data exposed. Some remote workers enjoy getting things done in coffee shops and public places. However, accessing public WiFi can reveal confidential data about the company.

How to strengthen your business’ cyber security

Strengthening passwords and credentials, using advances security software, and keeping the system updated are some of the most important cyber security measures. However, all your efforts will be wasted if the company does not have a set IT security policy with a list of rules:

  • Start by holding a cyber security meeting at the company. Educate employees on the importance of online security.
  • Teach employees to take responsibility for data security and stop falling for online scams.
  • Encourage people who have access to the company’s platforms to strengthen their passwords and use two-factor authentication systems.
  • Remind remote workers to use Virtual Private Network services when accessing public WiFi networks. Mobile VPN is also highly beneficial, as employees often access email or Slack on their smartphones. It’s rather common to create hotspots to access the internet when it’s not available and sometimes share it with others. This is where mobile VPN comes in handy as well.


Your company could be spending thousands of pounds on online security, but all of it can go to waste in a second because of uneducated employees. Once business owners recognise employees as the company’s weakest link, they will be able to tackle the issue and come up with appropriate solutions. With all employees working to protect the business’ data, hackers will find it more challenging to spot vulnerabilities in the system.

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