Making a Statement at Work

As a business leader, the one thing you want to do more than anything is make a positive statement about your business to the rest of the world. Some employees will make sure that they zone into their job requirements for a position, and others will make sure that they stay within their job requirements and don’t do anything more than that. 

As a leader, you need to do what you can to make a statement in your business, but if you’re an employee, you want to make a statement at work that shows that you are capable beyond what your employer expects of you. If you are one of the minority employees that would step up to stand out, then you’ll need our tips to help you make a statement at work.

1. Always offer your ideas

If you learn more about how the business is run you’ll be able to offer ideas and suggestions so that you stand out at work. For example, asking your boss to swap the business mobile numbers for fancy mobile numbers just so that you can all stand out as a team may seem like a joke suggestion at first, until your boss realises that having distinctive mobile numbers can make a big difference to customer engagement levels. You can start with making suggestions for your own job and then expand it to the wider business so that you can improve your knowledge. Eventually one of your ideas is going to gain some support. 

2. Make sure you speak up in meetings

If you want to stand out and make a statement in your workplace, don’t stay silent when all the important conversations are happening. Contribute in a relevant and constructive manner so that your input makes a positive impact. If a member of management is in meetings with you, make sure that you are fully engaged and ask pertinent questions. Don’t waste their time, but do let them know, by your actions and whatever you say, that you are someone who is switched on and keen to make a positive contribution. They should know who you are and that will help you to stand out better. Don’t be silent in a meeting, make sure that you embody a leader by speaking up.

3. Always do more than what your job requires you to do

If you’re working in customer service and somebody needs help, go beyond the service that you could possibly offer. Do as much as you can to help them because customers love to compliment a great service and they will always remember those who help them. It’s a big deal if upper management or the president of the company even can hear from customers and they’re complimenting you. No matter what your job is, no matter how high level or low level, you need to make sure that you’re going beyond your standard job duties if you want to make a statement.

4. Do what you can to help others

Where possible, you should become the go to person for those to be able to trust, the person who can be counted on to help, and the person that will go a long way for others around them. When you become known in this capacity, not only will your management team appreciate it, but your coworkers will as well.

5. Stay proactive

If you want to stand out as a great employee who goes above and beyond, then you should anticipate problems that can arise. Where possible, you should also come up with solutions and suggestions to fix them. Don’t wait to be a reactive employee. Make sure that you’re pushing forward and coming up with ideas and suggestions that will allow you to stand forward and be heard.

1. Be a part of the company

If your workplace has an excellent culture, that makes it so much easier to stay motivated and be a part of the solution. Join the safety committee or be a social committee member, or even create a group where others can take part, such as a sports or games group. Speak to your employer about how you can help the company to stand out more and head up that idea.

2. Don’t wait to be asked

If you see that something needs to be done, just do it. Don’t ask for permission, don’t ask for help. Just think ahead and be proactive in those thoughts. Your employer is always going to appreciate an employee who makes the effort, and even if it’s just cleaning up after a potluck lunch, that kind of effort can go a long way. You have to remember that putting in your dues now is going to really help the business and your career later on. It’s also going to potentially give you a step up in what you’re doing.

3. Volunteer where you can

Community service in organisations is becoming a must. If there are days or events to be had for your business then stand up and be counted by volunteering your time.

4. Take the lead

Someone in your business and in your department has to be a leader. And even if you’re not a manager or being paid a manager’s wage, being a leader means standing up and saying that you’d like to help where you can contribute at a high level, throw out those ideas and suggestions and challenge things that don’t actually make sense. When you respectfully do this, you’ll stand out for positive reasons. Silence isn’t going to get you noticed but overlooked. So make sure that you’re showing up in your career and try to be the leader that you know you’d love to have.

Making a statement at work isn’t just about making sure that your workers are high-level, but making sure that you are engrossed in the job. You want to be the type of person who can see the problems coming and hit them back where possible. The more you do now, the better off your business will be. Those references and that professional development are going to come your way when you stand out and make a statement.