- Write a clear job description so you and they know what is expected – especially important if you are employing or sub-contracting to your friends.
- Visit the ’employing people’ section of www.gov.uk for advice and resources.
- Always keep staff in the loop. When they feel disengaged problems arise. Remember to compliment people when they do well – this empowers them to do even better!
- HM Revenue and Customs is a great source of free information when you take on your first employeehttp://www.hmrc.gov.uk/newemployers/
- Contact your local job centre if you’re not sure of the appropriate rates to pay for a particular job and for prospective employees as well.
- Ensure that you are able to get on well with the person and that they are self-driven. Find out what motivates them and ensure you keep them interested in, and committed to, your business.